
Davidge Second Volume: Dr. Davidge's Lectures on Physiology and Potter's Practice of Medicine

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Davidge Second Volume
Davidge Second Volume: Dr. Davage's [Davidge's] Lectures on Physiology
Davidge Second Volume: Potter's Practice of Medicine

This volume includes handwritten lecture notes from Dr. John B. Davidge's and Dr. Nathaniel Potter's courses at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. The two lectures start in opposite sides of the volume; running from front to back is Dr. John B. Davidge's lectures and running from back to front is Dr. Nathaniel Potter's lectures. To help the user the volume has been split in two, Part A (Davidge) and Part B (Potter). The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see links.

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Table of Contents
This volume includes handwritten lecture notes from Doctor John Beale Davidge’s lectures on Physiology. Dr. Davidge was a founder of and professor of Anatomy at the University of Maryland, School of Medicine. The volume is undated and the notetaker is unknown. It includes notes on hepatitis, inflammation, rheumatism, hemorrhage, gout, small pox, measles, hematemesis, scarlatina, perspiration, mumps, and dysentery.
The Davidge lectures are part a of the 2nd Davidge Volume, it is numbered 1 to 53. Part b starts from the back of the volume and moves toward the middle of the volume. Part a and part b come together to form one physical volume labeled Davidge Volume 2. Both parts include indexes to the lectures.
This volume includes handwritten lecture notes from Doctor Nathaniel Potter’s, professor and founder of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Practice of Medicine course. The volume is undated and notetaker is unknown. It includes notes on diarrhea, hepatitis, inflammation, fevers, cholera, catarrh, hemorrhage, whooping cough, and asthma.
The Potter lectures are part b of the 2nd Davidge Volume as this part starts from the back of the volume and moves toward the middle of the volume. This part encompasses pages 54 to 163. There are two page fours, one (page 5) is misnumbered. Digital pages 68 to 71 are duplicated due to inserted paper. Digital pages 76 and 77 are duplicated for legibility as notes are taken right side up and upside down on one page. Part a and part b come together to form one physical volume labeled Davidge Volume 2. Both parts include indexes to the lectures.
The volume is undated but Dr. Davidge died in 1829 so the volume had to have been produced between 1812 and 1829.
Series/Report No.
Foxwell Collection of Class Notes;
CC0 1.0 Universal
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