The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has had a debilitating impact on the nation and its people’s physical, mental, and financial health. This is especially true for employees and workplaces across company size and industry. The unemployment rate increased to 14.7 percent in April 2020 and has yet to return to its 3.5 percent pre-pandemic rate. MHA’s third annual Work Health Survey, available between February and September 2020, provides an opportunity to better understand the mental health challenges employees were experiencing during the pandemic. The Work Health Survey measured the perceptions of over 5,000 employees across 17 industries in the United States. Survey questions measured financial insecurity, burnout, supervisor support, workplace stress, and mental illness. The survey explored the relationship between workplace and supervisor support, and its impact on burnout and employee mental health outcomes as work environments adapted to pandemic-related changes.Table of Contents
Executive Summary -- Introduction: Work Health Survey -- Work Health Survey Questions -- Healthy Workplaces vs Unhealthy Workplaces -- Financial Insecurity - Cost of Living - Emergency Savings - Employer-Sponsored Healthcare -- Employee Burnout - Exhaustion - Cynicism - Professional Efficacy -- Supervisor Support - Emotionally Supportive Supervisors - Supervisor Guidance and Stress Management - Acknowledgement and Acceptance - Finding Mental Health Support at Work Workplace Stress and Mental Illness - Employee Mental Health and COVID-19 - Mental Illness-Inclusive Workplaces -- Appendix A: Work Health Survey Results - Survey Results: Demographics - Survey Results: Survey Questions -- EndnotesKeyword
workplace mental healthemployee engagement
healthy workplaces
workplace stress
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Work environment
COVID-19 (Disease)