
Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, Dental School, University of Maryland Theses 1966 (Part 2)

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This volume contains the following manuscripts described as Senior Thesis presented to the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery for the Degree of “Doctor of Dental Surgery”: The value of debriding and sterilizing macroscopically sound dentin and the efficacy of certain agents so employed / by Eanes, Walter C. ; Application of the laser in dentistry / by Farrall, James E. ; The effect of various stimuli on intrapulpal pressure / by Feinstein, Jay H. ; Survey, classification and statistical analysis of 1500 biopsy reports / by Felps, Leon E. ; Dilantin gingival hyperplasia / by Fruchter, Howard ; Analgesia in dentistry / by Gaffney, Thomas H. ; Special considerations in the care and treatment of dental patients with certain medical illnesses / by Gandel, Stephen ; General anesthetic complications and emergencies / by Garlitz, Richard M. ; The relationship between dental caries and emotional factors as measured by the MMPI / by Goldman, Richard A. ; Immediate dentures / by Graziano, Nicholas F. ; An analysis of salivary amylase and its possible relation to dental caries / by Green, James P. ; Herpes simplex of the oral cavity / by Green, Jay C. ; Dysfunctions of the temporomandibular joint / by Gross, Barry B. ; Functional analysis of the temporomandibular joint / by Hall, Lawrence A. ; Tracheotomy / by Hazelton, D.M. and Klein, J.L. ; Cleft palate prosthodontics / by Heim, Henry C. ; Porcelain bonded to gold alloys / by Hirschberg, Joel ; Orthodontics for the general practitioner / by Iddings, J. Randolph ; Mepivacaine hydrochloride / by Johnson, Dennis R. ; Oral pain / by Johnson, Thomas M.
Dissertations (D.D.S.), Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 1966
This record describes the content of 1966 part 2 of 4 (E-J).
Available in print only in closed stacks at the Health Sciences and Human Services Library.
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