
Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, Dental School, University of Maryland Theses 1963 (Part 2)

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This volume contains the following manuscripts described as Senior Thesis presented to the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery for the Degree of “Doctor of Dental Surgery”: Patient education in preventive dentistry / by Hartman, Ruth L. ; The care and use of complete dentures / by Hernandez, Wilberto F. ; Chloral hydrate in pedodontics / by Irwin, Carl W. and Jennette, William C. ; Modern concepts of focal infection from a dental viewpoint / by Jacobson, Ralph W. ; Evaluation of spoxy resins as veneers / by Johnson, Dean C. ; Extraoral causes of intraoral pain / by Katz, Robert A. ; The diagnosis of oral cancer / by King, Clayton E. and Vazzana, Lorenzo S. ; Several case reports utilizing intraoral photography / by King, Donald R. ; Efficiency of the hot bead and hot salt sterilizers in endodontic treatment / by Kraft, George and Landino, Richard ; Preventive orthodontics for the general practitioner / by Krupinsky, George ; Dental emergencies and their treatment / by Maser, Lorin ; The use of general anesthesia in the dental office / by Mullins, Harry C. ; Effect of amino acetonitrile hydrogen sulfate on the buccal pouch of the Syrian Hamster / by Narum, Martin N. and Newman, Jerome W. ; The xylidides in dentistry / by Nuckols, David B. ; An assay for salivary carbonic anhydrase / by Oatis, George and Reeber, Martin ; Cleft palate prosthesis / by Oshry, Samuel and Strong, George ; Design of pin retention for amalgam restorations / by Pentzer, John C. and Weisenbaugh, Joseph M., Jr. ; The white sponge nevus of the oral cavity / by Picker, Stanford E. ; A bibliography to the protozoan Entamoeba Gingivalis / by Probst, Robert T.
Dissertations (D.D.S.), Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 1963.
This record describes the content of 1963 part 2 of 3 (H-P).
Available in print only in closed stacks at the Health Sciences and Human Services Library.
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