
Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, Dental School, University of Maryland Theses 1962 (Part 2)

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This volume contains the following manuscripts described as Senior Thesis presented to the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery for the Degree of “Doctor of Dental Surgery”: Problems in the construction of dentures in the geriatric patient / by Fischer, Henry A. ; Salivary gland tumors / by Foulke, James S. ; An approach to the successful management of the child dental patient / by Friedman, Neil A. ; Normal anatomical landmarks seen in periapical roentgenograms / by Gable, Thomas B. ; The mucocele (retention cyst) / by Gallagher, Charles A. and Glaeser, Ronald I. ; Leukemia – case studies of frequency of oral manifestations / by Gallerani, Lawrence A. and Sullivan, Dennis M. ; The importance of research in dentistry / by Glatzer, Milton J. ; The beginning practitioner and his office / by Goldman, Marshall R. ; Innovations in modern operatory design / by Gordon, Robert J. ; A clinical and pharmacological evaluation of possible anti-gagging effects of trimethobenzamide (Tigan) / by Grace, Larry E. and Hackney, Robert D. ; An investigation of fibrous dysplasia of the skull / by Halpert, Lawrence F. and Markowitz, Sidney S. ; The management of dental emergencies in the office of the general practitioner / by Johns, L. E. and Johnson, J.P. ; The alumni of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, Maryland Dental College and Dental Department, University of Maryland who served in the Civil War / by Jones, Laddie L. ; Periodontal considerations in fixed bridgework / by Kline, Martin ; Monophyodontism or diphyodontism in the common laboratory mouse / by Koritzer, Richard T. and Trager, Alan J. ; Oral manifestations of systemic diseases / by Kramer, Robert A. ; Neuromuscular considerations of temporomandibular joint disturbances / by Levy, Daniel ; Incidence of squamous-cell carcinoma of the oral cavity / by Lilley, Donald E. and Simmons, Allen H. ; Esthetic improvements in periodontal therapy through current surgical and restorative procedures / by Lowell, Berton A. ; Audio analgesia – review of the literature and survey of its clinical use / by Mechanick, Joseph D. and Rubin, David ; Incidence of oral carcinoma at the Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland / by Millison, Stephen and Schunick, Howard E. ; The use of hospital facilities in the treatment of oral surgery patients / by Mills, Stephen H. ; Antibiotics in dentistry / by Miyamoto, Alan T.
Dissertations (D.D.S.), Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 1962.
This record describes the content of 1962 part 2 of 3 (E-M).
Available in print only in closed stacks at the Health Sciences and Human Services Library.
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