Wink, Tara2021-07-282021-07-282021-04-30 written for the HS/HSL News, a blog for the Health Sciences and Human Services Library at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB).The post honors a long standing Elm Tree, known as the Davidge Elm, on UMB's Campus. The tree stood from the early days of the campus until it was cut down, due to poor health, in 2001. Today a younger Elm, grown from the a Davidge Elm seed, stands in the same location outside of Davidge Hall.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International ElmDavidge Hall (University of Maryland, Baltimore)Arbor DayUniversity of Maryland, BaltimoreRemembering the Davidge Elm on Arbor DayBlog