Schelle, CharlesFrick, JenaRampolla, Dana2022-02-042022-02-042022“The UMB Pulse” is a podcast produced by the University of Maryland, Baltimore’s (UMB) Office of Communications and Public Affairs. Co-hosted by Charles Schelle, senior media relations specialist; Dana Rampolla, director of integrated marketing; and Jena Frick, senior media relations specialist, “The UMB Pulse” will help listeners stay up to date on changes and guidelines as we navigate our return to campus — a way to get back in touch with the heartbeat of UMB after more than a year of disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This season is dedicated to "Change Makers"S2E1 - Lisa Rawlings and Workforce DevelopmentS2E2 - Positive Schools Center Director Shantay McKinilyen-USUniversity of Maryland, BaltimoreThe UMB Pulse Podcast: February - March 2022UMB PulsePulse CheckRecording, oral