Ferreira, RosemaryCarney, Courtney Jones2021-07-262021-07-262021http://hdl.handle.net/10713/16211(Episode 9-Episode 11); Monthly podcasts and accompanying transcripts produced by UMB's Intercultural Center discussing issues associated with race, ethnicity, culture, norms, and current eventsEPISODE 9: Invisible/Hypervisible: Southwestern Asian and North African Communities in the U.S.EPISODE 10: But Did My Parents 'Make It?': Reflections on Becoming Upwardly Mobile from a Daughter of Working-Class ImmigrantsEPISODE 11: Hispanic, Latino, Latinx?en-UScurrent eventsUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore. Intercultural CenterCultureEthnicityRaceUniversity of Maryland, BaltimoreThe Table Podcast (July-Sept 2021)Recording, oral