Anderson, Maija R.Johnson-Hunter, Pawn2019-10-182019-10-182018 of poster presented Maryland Action Coalition 2018 Leadership Summit: Building a Culture of Health in Maryland through the Lenses of Health Disparities and the Transformation of Nursing Education held at the University of Maryland, Baltimore School of Nursing on May 21, 2018.en-USunderrepresented in nursingHistorically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs)Ethnic groupsMinoritiesUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore. School of NursingEducation, NursingNursesMDAC 2018: "Increasing Diversity in Nursing: A Case Study in Support of Improving Outcomes in Minority Students by Strengthening Nursing Programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)/Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs)"Abstract