2018-05-252018-05-251961http://hdl.handle.net/10713/7876Dissertations (D.D.S.), Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 1961.This record describes the content of 1961 part 2 of 3 (H-O).Available in print only in closed stacks at the Health Sciences and Human Services Library.This volume contains the following manuscripts described as Senior Thesis presented to the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery for the Degree of “Doctor of Dental Surgery”: A survey of oral malignancies at the United States Public Health Service Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland / by Hamburger, Stanford and Love, Sol ; Pathology of the human dental pulp due to high speed instrumentation / by Hecht, Arnold ; An evaluation of the agents used in cavity sterilization ; Higel, Ronald W. ; Advantages and disadvantages of certain orthodontic technics / by Hoffman, Paul ; The clinical effectiveness of certain local anesthetics in dental procedures / by Hurdle, Edward A. ; Management of fear in the child patient / by Iacovelli, Patrick F., Jr. ; Dental emergencies and their treatment in the dental office / by Kamezawa, Sanford K. and Kovack, Robert G. ; The relationship of artificial dentures to speech and hearing / by Kaminski, Stanley P. ; The DF of non-institutionalized mongoloid children / by Kaplan, Douglas and Perlmutter, Albert ; The value of history taking as an aid in avoiding dental emergencies / by Kolakowski, Michael E., Jr. and Marchesani, Joseph R., Sr. ; Drug allergies caused by pencillin / by Kroopnick, Ralph L. ; The tongue – the barometer of the body / by Lattanzi, Robert ; Home care and the maintenance of oral hygiene / by Liller, Jack E. ; Dental treatment for handicapped children ; Loew, Arnold I. ; Changing concepts of the supporting dental tissues / by McCallum, Edward S. ; The need for further understanding in dentistry for children ; McLaughlin, William E. ; The need for continuing education in dentistry / by Martin, Alan J. ; Factors affecting the dimensional stability of rubber-base impression material / by Mason, Robert C. and Rockefeller, William O. ; Hospital oral surgery – its status – current and future / by Matzkin, Michael C. ; The histopathologic changes in the free and attached gingiva in a diabetic / by Meier, Robert F. and Myatt, Clarence J. ; Some aspects of the chemical disinfection and sterilization of dental instruments / by Meyers, Marc J. ; The gene and heredity; their active function in the etiology of malocclusion / by Morley, Ronald B. ; A clinical evaluation of the use of high-speed instruments in pedodontics / by Naito, Roy M. and Oliveira, Antone T.en-USUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore. School of DentistryDoctor of Dental SurgeryUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore. Dental School, Baltimore College of Dental Surgerydental surgeryBaltimore College of Dental Surgery--DissertationsDentistryBaltimore (Md.)Surgery, OralPediatric DentistryBaltimore College of Dental Surgery, Dental School, University of Maryland Theses 1961 (Part 2)dissertation