Prinz, Hermann, 1868-19572011-01-032011-01-03 bookplates from the collection of Hermann Prinz, Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology, University of Pennsylvania School of Dentistry. Each one features a different representation of Saint Apollonia as its main figure. One plate commemorates ownership by the British Dental Association. The other two plates, from Prinz's own library, also feature a scroll on which appear several names of men eminent in the history of dentistry. The three plates, varying in size, are mounted together on matboard.en-USpatroness of dentistryApollonia, Saint, d. 249--ArtChristian saints in artBookplatesBritish Dental AssociationBookplates with Saint Apollonia as the motifS. ApolloniaSanta ApolloniaSimplex veri sigillumBibliotheca PrinzEx libris : Hermann PrinzImage