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dc.description.tableofcontentsFEATURES: Coming to Haiti's Rescue - School of Medicine "rolls up sleeves" and leads team effort after earthquake; Helping Others is the Law for SOL Students - In the Clinical Law Program, students give a voice to the poor and the under-represented persons; Simplifying the Complexities of HIV - Clinical pharmacists give HIV patients a healthy dose of medication adherence at the Evelyn Jordan Center; There's no Place Like Home - Thanks to a program assisted by the School of Social Work, mentally ill children have care options other than hospitalization or admittance to a residential facility; Worldwide Reach - The School of Nursing's Office of Global Health expands its health care role; Something to Smile About - Dental care is no longer a pipe dream in Cecil County; President with a Plan - Meet Jay Perman, MD, the University's new forward-thinking, collaborative president: ARTICLES: Club UMD Mentors Neighbors; HS/HSL is More than a Library; Dr. Joe O'Neill-Placing UM on World Stage; Violence Intervention Program Saves Lives at Risk; Pharmacists' 'Sugar Buddies' are Sweet Success; Social Work Program Connects with Family Program; School of Nursing STEPS it up with Seniors; Mini-Med School is Big Plus; BioPark Thrives 5 Years After Opening: STUDENT PROFILES: Law - Ronald Chatters III; Pharmacy - Allen Tran; Social Work - Darnell Morris-Compton; Nursing Wynnona Engle-Pratt; Dental - Ashyk Sykander; Medicine - Naseem Alavian: DEPARTMENTS: Founders Week Award Winners; University Leadership; Research & Development; UMBF Annual Report
dc.publisherUniversity of Maryland, Office of Communications and Public Affairsen_US
dc.subject.lcshUniversities and colleges--Maryland--Baltimore
dc.subject.lcshUniversity of Maryland, Baltimoreen_US
dc.titleUniversity of Maryland : Research and Scholarship : 2011en_US
dc.title.alternativeLending a Hand, Across the Landsen_US
dc.title.alternativeUniversity of Maryland Magazine
dc.title.alternativeUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore : Research and Scholarship

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