In this letter from James Carroll to his wife Jennie Carroll sent from Camp Columbia Cuba, where he is stationed for the United States Yellow Fever Commission, Carroll thanks Jennie for sending two boxes which included candy and an evening dress uniform. He confides in her that he fears that the extra compensation will never come. Carroll laments that a recent newspaper article in a Havana paper refers to his work [on Yellow Fever] but the credit is given to Reed and Agramonte while his own name is not mentioned. Carroll states that recently a newspaper reporter was in camp and the reporter met with Reed and with General Ward and this is why Carroll is not mentioned in the article. Carroll wants to send the article to General Sternberg but reconsiders it later in the letter saying that he will send it to Jennie instead. He says he does not want to bother the General "about such trifles." Carroll hopes that he will be departing Cuba in a month, "never to return again."Included is a transcript of the letter.
Carroll, James, 1854-1907--CorrespondenceYellow Fever Commission (U.S.)
Medicine, Military
Interpersonal relations
Finance, Personal
Yellow fever--Research--Cuba--History