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dc.descriptionDissertations (D.D.S.), Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 1962.en_US
dc.descriptionThis record describes the content of 1962 part 3 of 3 (N-Z).en_US
dc.descriptionAvailable in print only in closed stacks at the Health Sciences and Human Services Library.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsThis volume contains the following manuscripts described as Senior Thesis presented to the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery for the Degree of “Doctor of Dental Surgery”: Supernumerary teeth and their effect upon occlusion / by Norton, Kermit Lee ; Dentofacial growth and development and the influences affecting it / by Parker, Robert R. ; Prosthetic appliances for the rehabilitation of the congenital cleft palate patient / by Pertnoy, Allan B. and Pinsky, Gerald A. ; An evaluation of the oral cytologic smear / Pizzi, Albert L. and Roper, Lee H. ; The importance of the canine tooth to the teeth dental arch / by Rabago, Leo, Jr. ; A study of the use of a tranquilizer drug (Trancopal and Trancoprin) for premedication of pedodontic patients / by Rankin, Sylvan and Regan, Paul F. ; Audio-analgesia / by Romeo, Donald A. and Roth, Jack A. ; Technics of pulpotomy / by Rudo, Howard F. ; The effects of postural training on muscle potential patterns in the dental operator / by Salvo, Joseph A. ; Occupational dermatitis in dentists / by Schulz, Earle M., Jr. ; Incidences of oral carcinoma Schwartz, Frank L and Pallen, Harvey ; An evaluation of governmental intercession in the health field / by Snow, Reed C. ; The role of beta-aminopropionitrile as an anti-cariogenic agent / by Sopher, Irvin M. ; Experimental report on high speed pulpal exposures capped with neosporin / by Thomson, John, Warren, Gordon, and Young, David ; A study of the galvanic skin reflex as a potential means of evaluating dental anxiety / by Warson, Robert W. ; Dentistry for the handicapped child in the office of the practitioner / by Weinsein, Jerome J. ; A survey of dental radiological health practices in the state of Idaho / by Wilhelm, John C.en_US
dc.subjectUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore. School of Dentistryen_US
dc.subjectDoctor of Dental Surgeryen_US
dc.subjectUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore. Dental School, Baltimore College of Dental Surgeryen_US
dc.subjectdental surgeryen_US
dc.subject.lcshBaltimore College of Dental Surgery--Dissertationsen_US
dc.subject.lcshDentistry--Psychological aspectsen_US
dc.subject.meshSurgery, Oralen_US
dc.titleBaltimore College of Dental Surgery, Dental School, University of Maryland Theses 1962 (Part 3)en_US
dc.description.urinameFull Texten_US

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