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dc.descriptionDissertations (D.D.S.), Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 1959en_US
dc.descriptionThis record describes the content of 1959 part 4 of 4 (R-Y).en_US
dc.descriptionAvailable in print only in closed stacks at the Health Sciences and Human Services Library.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsThis volume contains the following manuscripts described as Senior Thesis presented to the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery for the Degree of “Doctor of Dental Surgery”: Oral manifestations of blood dyscrasias / by Raimond, William P. ; The scientific basis for procedure in full denture technique / by Raphael, Burton A. ; The effect of lactobacillus-streptococcus vaccine on reduction of dental caries in the rat / by Ribakow, Harold R., Richmond, Chester J., and Ruland, Louis J., Jr. ; Dental floss / by Rocco, Matthew A. ; Cements used in root canal filling / by Rogers, Lawrence D. ; Replantation of human teeth / by Roush, Everett N. ; Atomic energy and its relation to dentistry / by Sahley, Raymond R. ; Etiology of malocclusion / by Salerno, Charles ; Tissue transplantation in dentistry / by Saville, Richard C. ; Clasps for removable partial prosthesis / by Schofield, David Lee ; Potency of topical spray anesthetics / by Schwartz, Jerome and Silver, Stanley ; Dental treatment for the handicapped child / by Silberstein, Robert B. ; The thumb sucking habit and its effect / by Simansky, Francis V. ; Aphthous stomatitis / by Skaff, Orlando L. ; A study of methyl methacrylate as a denture base material / by Smith, Philip ; Photography in the dental office / by Sollazzo, Anthony ; Anesthesia for handicapped children / by Stecher, John J. ; Pin retentions for amalgams / by Stegman, Donald D. ; Gerodontia / by Sullivan, Daniel J. ; A new approach to comparison tests of endodontic germicides / by Swoope, Charles C., Jr. ; The tongue and its influence on dental arch development / by Tilles, Arthur M. ; Tic douloureux / by Varanelli, John L. ; Homogenization of saliva samples / by Veltre, Francis A. ; Immediate dentures / by Vendrell, George ; The effects of the use of musical instruments upon the dentition / by Wampler, James R. ; Dimensional stability of mercaptan rubber impression material / by Warner, Leonard C., Jr. and White Edgar C. ; Anodontia / by Yampolsky, Herbert S.en_US
dc.subjectUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore. School of Dentistryen_US
dc.subjectDoctor of Dental Surgeryen_US
dc.subjectUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore. Dental School, Baltimore College of Dental Surgeryen_US
dc.subjectdental surgeryen_US
dc.subject.lcshBaltimore College of Dental Surgery--Dissertationsen_US
dc.subject.lcshDental officesen_US
dc.subject.meshSurgery, Oralen_US
dc.subject.meshPediatric Dentistryen_US
dc.titleBaltimore College of Dental Surgery, Dental School, University of Maryland Theses 1959 (Part 4)en_US
dc.description.urinameFull Texten_US

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