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dc.descriptionDissertations (D.D.S.), Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 1954.en_US
dc.descriptionThis record describes the content of 1954 part 1 of 4 (A-D).en_US
dc.descriptionAvailable in print only in closed stacks at the Health Sciences and Human Services Library.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsThis volume contains the following manuscripts described as Senior Thesis presented to the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery for the Degree of “Doctor of Dental Surgery”: Immediate dentures / by Abbott, James L. ; Treatment of fractured crowns of permanent anterior teeth in children / by Adams, Ira J. ; The business side of dentistry / by Ainley, James E., Jr. ; The antibacterial effects exhibited by some dental restorative materials / by Allen, Thomas J. and Mantz, Robert F. ; The treatment of fractured permanent anterior teeth / by Bange, Albert A. ; The deciduous molars / by Barnard, Francis H. ; Heredity An etiologic factor in malocclusion / by Birnbaum, Adolf ; The first permanent molars / by Brandenburg, C. Lawrence ; Psychological aspects in handling full denture patients / by Bricker, Robert E. ; The practical use of hypnosis in dentistry / by Brouillette, J. Nelson and Capozzoli, Albert A. ; Orthodontic education and the undergraduate curriculum / by Bruce, William A. ; Orthodontics for the adult / by Bryant, A. Lloyd ; Recent developments in dental technical and laboratory apparatus / by Buciak, Walter N. ; Dental aspects of hemophilia / by Carlisle, Robert O., Jr. ; Immediate dentures / by Chapman, Russell L. ; The diet and dental caries / by Chun, Raymond C. K. ; Forensic dentistry / by Civjan, Simon ; Preferred techniques of immediate denture construction / by Collins, Ronald E. ; Selections of cases for root canal therapy / by Conte, John V. ; Dental deformities resulting from childhood habits / by Crowl, William B. ; The prevention and treatment of local anesthetic reactions / by D’Arezzo, Louis Robert ; The relationship between temporomandibular joint and the dentition in human osteological specimens / by de Fries, Hugh O. ; Color in dentistry / by Denu, Philip E., Jr.en_US
dc.subjectUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore. School of Dentistryen_US
dc.subjectDoctor of Dental Surgeryen_US
dc.subjectUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore. Dental School, Baltimore College of Dental Surgeryen_US
dc.subjectdental surgeryen_US
dc.subject.lcshBaltimore College of Dental Surgery--Dissertationsen_US
dc.subject.lcshDentures, Immediateen_US
dc.subject.meshSurgery, Oralen_US
dc.subject.meshPediatric Dentistryen_US
dc.subject.meshDental Cariesen_US
dc.titleBaltimore College of Dental Surgery, Dental School, University of Maryland Theses 1954 (Part 1)en_US
dc.description.urinameFull Texten_US

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