Ever since the documentary The Invisible War (2012) aired there has been increased focus and attention on Military Sexual Trauma (MST). Two years later the documentary The Hunting Ground (2014) highlighted and brought increased interest to the issue of sexual assault/violence on college campuses. Other than occasional news stories about sexual misconduct in major corporations, there has not been a lot of research or attention paid to the issue of sexual violence in the workplace. This paper reviews some of the basic concepts and terminology around the nature of sexual violence and then highlights the role leadership plays in the workplace for prevention and treatment options.Table of Contents
Introduction............4 Definitions............5 Prevalence of Sexual Assault.................6 Rape Culture.................7 Case Study...................8 Trauma Informed Practice................9 Financial and Productivity Costs............10 Recommendations...............11 Concluding Thoughts......................12 Authors Bios..........................12 Reference List..........................13 Appendix......................14Description
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© 2017 Rocky Mountain ResearchKeyword
sexual violence in the workplaceTrauma Lens Theory
rape culture
sexual assault
Sexual harassment
Sexual abuse victims