Dr. Peter Doshi
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Peter Doshi is an associate professor of pharmaceutical health services research in the School of Pharmacy and senior editor at The BMJ. His research focuses on policies related to drug safety and effectiveness evaluation in the context of regulation, evidence-based medicine, and debates over access to data. Doshi also has strong interests in journalism as a vehicle for encouraging better practice and improving the research enterprise.
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Crowdfunding investigative journalism at The BMJThe BMJ is now more than a scholarly journal, and for the past decade we have pursued investigative journalism as a powerful lever for improving health by exposing failings in the system. Over the past year we have substantially expanded our coverage, publishing 16 investigative stories (bmj.com/investigations), including a series that won a British Journalism Award, and worked with a greater number of international journalists. We have reported the disclosures of a whistleblower working on the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine trial, a story that unexpectedly led us to confront Facebook over the way it deals with misinformation on its platform. We have probed the implications of mRNA instability in vaccines and asked serious questions about Russia’s Sputnik vaccine. Beyond covid, we have tackled concerns in global health, including polio eradication, and asked whether health institutions should still be investing in fossil fuels.