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dc.contributor.authorShaw, Terry V.
dc.contributor.authorKaye, Sarah
dc.contributor.authorDePanfilis, Diane
dc.description.abstractExecutive Summary: The Child Welfare Accountability Act of 2006 (Maryland Family Law, Section 1301 through 1311 inclusive) specified a set of performance indicators covering four categories of child welfare practice: 1. Child abuse and neglect, 2. Protecting children in out-of-home care from abuse and neglect, 3. Permanency and stability of children in out-of-home care, and 4. Effectiveness of efforts to address the health, mental health, education, and well-bing of children in out-of-home care. This report describes and documents the performance indicators mandated in the Act for the period July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008. A separate companion report entitled "Evaluating Quality Assurance Processes in Maryland" describes and evaluates Quality Assurance processes in calendar year 2008. Acknowledgements: This report was prepared by faculty and staff at the University of Maryland, School of Social Work's Ruth H. Young Center for Families & Children (RYC) in partnership with staff at the Department of Human Resources, Social Services Administration (DHR/SSA). Diane DePanfilis, Sarah Kaye, and Terry V. Shaw co-manage the interagency agreement that supports the development of this report. Terry Shaw developed the performance indicators found in this report with the assistance of David Ayer from DHR/SSA. Cathy Mols, Richard Larson, Carnitra White, and David Ayer at DHR/SSA guided the activities of the outcomes measurement and performance indicators process.
dc.description.sponsorshipFUNDING SOURCE: Maryland Department of Human Resources, Social Services Administrationen_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsExecutive Summary; Summary of Findings; Summary of Recommnedations for Measurement of Maryland's Child Welfare System Performance; Methods for Calculating Maryland's Child Welfare Performance Indicators; MD CHESSIE; Modifications of Indicators; 5-1303 Child abuse and Neglect; 5-1303.1 Recurrence of abuse or neglect; 5-1303.3 Maltreatment of Children Remaining in the Home after CPS Investigation; 5-1303.2 Supervisory Review of Screened Out Cases; 5-1303.4 Timeliness of CPS Investigations; 5-1303.5 Service Provision and Safety Outcomes for indicated and Unsubstantiated Cases of Abuse and Neglect; 5-1304 Protecting Children in Out-of-Home Care from Abuse and Neglect; 5-1304.1 Abuse or Neglect of Children in State Custody; 5-1304.2 Abuse or Neglect after Release from Out-of Home Care; 5-1305 Permanency and Stability of Children in Out-of-Home Care; 5-1305.5 Out-of-Home Placement Type; 5-1305.2 Multiple Placements in a One-Year Period; 5-1305.3 Placement with Siblings; 5-1305.4 Exits from Out-of-Home Care; 5-1305.1 Time to Exit from Out-of-Home Care; 5-1305.8 Re-Entry into Out-of-Home Care; 5-1305.6 Number of Available Foster and Treatment Foster Homes; 5-1305.7 Regulation of Foster and Treament Foster Homes; 5-1306 Addressing the well-bing of children in out-of-home care; 5-1306.1 Comprehensive Assessments; 5-1306.2 Health Examinations; 5-1306.3 School Enrollment; Measuring Child Welfare Performance in Maryland; Discussion of Existing Performance Indicators; Recommendations for Improvements; References; Appendix A: Summary of Maryland Performance Indicators
dc.relation.ispartofseriesChild Welfare Research;en_US
dc.subjectout-of-home careen_US
dc.subjectchild neglecten_US
dc.subject.lcshAbused children--Services for--Evaluationen_US
dc.subject.lcshChild welfare--Evaluationen_US
dc.subject.lcshUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore. School of Social Work--Projects and Reportsen_US
dc.subject.meshFoster Home Care--standards
dc.titleMaryland Child Welfare Performance Indicators. 2nd Annual Child Welfare Accountability Reporten_US
dc.title.alternativeResearch in Support of Child Welfare Policy & Programs
dc.title.alternativeAnnual Child Welfare Accountability Report
dc.typeAnnual Reporten_US

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