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Helping families prevent neglectAbstract
PowerPoint presentation at the 5th National Child Welfare Data Conference, National Resource Center for Information Technology in Child Welfare. (Conference title: Making it Work: Using Data for Program Improvement.) Highlights the advantages and challenges of using computer-assisted interviews (CAI). Discusses questionnaire development and includes examples.Description
PROJECT NAME: Helping Families Prevent Neglect; PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Diane DePanfilis; Co-Investigators: Howard Dubowitz; Esta Glazer-Semmel; PROJECT DATES: 1996 - 2002Series/Report No.
Community and School-Based Research;Sponsors
FUNDING SOURCE: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, Children’s BureauKeyword
University of Maryland, Baltimore. School of Social Work--Projects and Reportscomputer-assisted interviews
Social surveys--Technological innovations
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