Army Social Work: Fifty Years of Professional Innovation, Vision, Competence, and Initiative
The initial impetus for this venture came from a series of conversations between four retired Army Social Workers (Garber, Harris, Lawson, and McNelis). The context of the conversations, which now have spanned more than four years, was the Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education. In addition to providing the occasion for four people from different geographical locations to meet, APM also provided an atmosphere in which social work knowledge in all its breadth and depth, and with its gaps is discussed, contemplated, and defined. It seemed quite natural for us to ask: "What has Army Social Work contributed?"Description
This is a wonderful accounting of the development of Army Social Work as it relates to the EAP Field - including History from 1941 - 1992.Citation
Garber, D. L. (1992). Army social work: fifty years of professional innovation, vision, competence, and initiative. Social Work Practice in a Build-Down Army. Proceedings, U.S. Army Social Work Practices Course, San Antonio, TX, pp. 139-171.Sponsors
Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work EducationKeyword
army social workcollective experiences
contributions to EAP field
Employee assistance programs
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