Using prevention science to design, implement, and evaluate prevention strategies: lessons from Family Connections
Presentation at the 17th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect entitiled, Focusing on the Future: Strengthening Families and Communities, Atlanta, March 30–April 4, 2009. Highlights the process of designing and implementing preventive interventions for child neglect in families at risk.Description
PROJECT NAME: Helping Families Prevent Neglect; PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Diane DePanfilis; Co-Investigators: Howard Dubowitz, Esta Glazer-Semmel; PROJECT DATES: 1996 – 2002; Clara Daining.Series/Report No.
Community & School-based Research;Sponsors
FUNDING SOURCE: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, Children’s Bureau (90-CA1580) and (90-CW-1126),Keyword
Family ConnectionsFamily social work
University of Maryland, Baltimore. School of Social Work--Projects and Reports
Child Abuse--prevention & control
Dysfunctional families
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