Connecting the dots: Tennessee's disaster preparedness and the role of information services
Question/Objective: The objectives were to raise the awareness of the need for a state-wide disaster plan, teach librarians how to create a successful plan, and formulate Mutual Assistance Agreements throughout the state so libraries could provide reciprocal "back up" for a similar "size and mission" library either in or out of their region to cover essential library services. Setting or Participants: Tennessee health sciences librarians, other types of Tennessee libraries, and individuals interested in disaster planning from across the state. Methodology: A workshop of nationally known experts showed librarians how to create disaster plans, salvage damaged materials, and establish a Mutual Assistance Agreement with a partner library. Findings: The poster will display a map of Tennessee libraries and their corresponding reciprocal partner library. A sample Memorandum of Understanding was developed. Conclusion: This project resulted in numerous plans being posted to the THeSLA wiki and was a vehicle to formalize partnerships with other libraries.Description
This poster was presented at the Southern Chapter / Medical Library Association (SC/MLA) Annual Meeting October 28 -November 1, 2009.Identifier to cite or link to this item
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