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dc.descriptionHoldings: Vol. 4, no. 1 (Oct. 2009)-v. 4, no. 8 (Sept. 2010)en_US
dc.descriptionVol. 4, no. 1 (Oct. 2009) - Table of Contents: Virtual and Virtuous; Supporting the Virtual and Virtuous...; Study Break to celebrate National Medical Librarians Month; October is Health Literacy Month; HS/HSL to Host Web Cast and Spring Symposium on Mobile Technologies; Workshop Highlight: Locating the Evidence; Cool Web Tool: Dropbox; New LibGuides Now Available; William J. Kinnard to Receive Library Award; Coming Soon! RefWorks to Offer Alumni Access; Holiday Closure.en_US
dc.descriptionVol. 4, no. 2 (Nov./Dec. 2009) - Table of Contents: The Evidence is Here!; Late Night Study at the SMC Campus Center; Food for Fines; Thank You for Thinking of the Library!; PubMed Redesign Debuts; The Importance of Bill Kinnard-A Reflection from the Executive Director; Calling All UMB Authors!; Holiday Closure; HopeLine Cell Phone Donation Program; Share Your Screen with Screencast-O-Matic; Acting Head of Collection Oversight; Holiday Door Decorating Contest.en_US
dc.descriptionVol. 4, no. 3 (Jan./Feb. 2010) - Table of Contents: 2010 Horizon Report #1 Trend? Mobile Technologies. We're on It!; Food for Fines Success!; New HS/HSL Course Reserves Guide; New RefWorks 2.0 Interface Coming Soon; Spring Workshops; Staying Current in Your Field: Bringing the Information to You with RSS; National Library of Medicine and Publishers Come Together to Help Haiti; Library Internship; New Exhibit: Focus on Art from Local Schools; Cordell as Civil War Soldier; Color Printing at HS/HSL Now Half Price!; Maryland Health -> Go Local Tutorial on YouTube; Save the Date - Mobile Technologies Symposium.en_US
dc.descriptionVol. 4 no. 4 (March/April 2010) - Table of Contents: From Old to New: The HS/HSL 2008-2009 Annual Report; Anne Ramsay: An Appreciation by M.J. Tooey; Congenital Heart Disease Website-A New Look, A New Feature; Lexi-Comp for Dentistry; Getting Bored With PowerPoint Slides?; Workshop Highlights: RSS Feeds with Google Reader & Magnet Status: What It Means for You; Welcome Katherine Downton; Australian Research Council Ranks Over 20,000 Research Journals; HS/HSL Acquires JAMA and Archives, Including Backfile Collection; Two LIbrary Faculty Selected for Prestigious Bioinformatics Institute; Mobile Learning 2.0 Web Conference; Maryland Health -> Go Local to be Discontinued.en_US
dc.descriptionVol. 4, no. 5 - Table of Contents: @Hand: I Warned You This Was Coming!; HS/HSL Invites you to the @Hand: Mobile Technologies in Academia and Medicine Symposium; Spotlight on @Hand Keynote Speaker Neil Versel; Register to Win an iPod Touch!; HS/HSL for iPhone and iPod Touch Users; HS/HSL Mobile Apps Guide.en_US
dc.descriptionVol. 4, no. 6 (May/June 2010) - Table of Contents: So Long for the Summer! Maybe, Maybe Not; 2010 Summer Schedule; @Hand Mobile Symposium a Success; New HS/HSL Consumer Health Site; Go Local Team Receives Community Service Award; HS/HSL Reserve Form Now Online!; New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) Kicks Off Informal Lecture Series; HS/HSL Summer Workshops; Presentation Creation and Practice Studio; Wounded in Action: An Art Exhibition of Orthopaedic Advancements.en_US
dc.descriptionVol. 4, no. 7 (July/Aug. 2010) - Table of Contents: Pricing, Data Sharing, and Public Access - An Update; Welcome Dr. Perman!; New Interfaces for Ovid Databases and RefWorks; Google is Great BUT...; Attention NIH Grant Recipients: Important Change to the NIH Access Policy as of July 23!; Beverly Gresehover...An Appreciation; Google Tools; Health Literacy Resources Guide; Library Receives Donated World War I Photograph.en_US
dc.descriptionVol. 4, no. 8 (Sept. 2010) - Table of Contents: Happy New Year!; Subject Guides; Genetics Information-Try Scitable from the Nature Group; Fall Workshops at HS/HSL; 2010 Fall Schedule; Wound in Action: An Art Exhibition of Orthopaedic Advances with Supporting Workshop; Shop UMB-50% off UMB Gift Items!; HS/HSL welcomes Yani Yancey; HS/HSL Participates in Maryland Shared Distributed Journal Project; Consider Linking to HS/HSL Resources in Blackboard; Hispanic Heritage Month.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore. Health Sciences and Human Services Libraryen_US
dc.subject.lcshUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore. Health Sciences and Human Services Library--Newsletters
dc.titleHS/HSL Connective Issues 2009-2010en_US
dc.title.alternativeHSHSL Connective Issuesen_US
dc.title.alternativeConnective Issuesen_US
dc.title.alternativeE-Newsletter of the University of Maryland Health Sciences & Human Services Libraryen_US

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