Faculty, Student Works & Conferences School of Pharmacy
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Purification of paFur and Exploration of the Heme Regulation Mechanism over the phuS GenePseudomonas aeruginosa is a common bacteria that can cause various infections in the human body and survives in the body during chronic infections via iron from heme. The Wilks Lab is interested in finding ways to disrupt the transportation of heme to P. aeruginosa in order to cure infections. The PhuS protein is part of the heme uptake systems that affect heme delivery into P. aeruginosa and is known to be regulated by heme and iron. This project specifically focuses on finding the heme dependent transciptional regulator of the phuS gene promoter.
Novel Next-generation Non-catalytic p38alpha/MK2 Immunomodulators with Endothelial-barrier-stabilizing and Anti-inflammatory ActivityWe have previously identified a small three-ring molecule, UM101, targeted to the ED substrate-docking domain of p38alpha MAPK. UM101 modified p38alpha/MK2 signaling, stabilized endothelial barrier and reduced expression of proinflammatory genes. A next-generation analog with modifications on the first and third ring, Gen-1124, has improved anti-inflammatory and endothelial barrier-stabilizing activity, is lung protective in mouse models of influenza and ARDS, and is currently in a Phase II clinical trial in ARDS. To develop additional therapeutic candidates, we designed and synthesized UM101 analogs with modifications on the middle ring and tested the novel compounds for endothelial barrier- stabilizing and anti-inflammatory activity.
Scholarship Reconsidered: Integrating EDI into Appointment, Promotion and Tenure GuidelinesThe objective was to develop inclusive promotion and tenure (P&T) criteria at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy (UMSOP) that reflect the UMSOP’s mission and values, recognize the rich potential of diverse faculty and reward a breadth of scholarly excellence.
Base Hydrolysis (or not) for Targeted Sphingolipid QuantitationSphingolipids are a diverse class of lipids that exhibit various structures and functions. Their analysis presents several challenges due to dynamic range, structural diversity, and complex sample matrices. Addressing these challenges requires meticulous sample preparation and dedicated analysis methods. Liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) is a commonly used technique for detecting and quantifying sphingolipids. An alkaline hydrolysis step is routinely used during sample preparation to enrich for sphingolipids. The added chemical step during sample preparation can impact lipid extraction efficiency and removes the opportunity to analyze other lipid classes simultaneously. We will present our findings comparing sphingolipid enrichment using mild base hydrolysis pre-treatment versus no hydrolysis in C18 and HILIC LC-MS/MS methods.
PATIENTS Day 2023: Your Health... Your Voice2023-10-13