Faculty Works HSHSL: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 125
Amazing Race: Drug Information EditionThis activity is based on the reality show Amazing Race, in which teams must complete various challenges in order to get clues for the next leg of the race. It is designed to be a very basic introduction to library and drug information resources, as I use it with first-year pharmacy students as part of their Abilities Lab course. This activity takes a fair amount of prep time, but is quite well-received by the students. It is a nice way to introduce the students to the library in a fun and engaging way. If you have any questions about how to set up the activity or have suggestions for how to improve it, please feel free to email me at efgorman@hshsl.umaryland.edu
Renovated, repurposed, and still "one sweet library": A case study on loss of space from the Health Sciences and Human Services Library, University of Maryland, BaltimoreSetting: The Health Sciences and Human Services Library (HS/HSL), University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), is located in an urban environment on the west side of downtown Baltimore. Founded in 1813, the library opened its current building in 1998 and is one of the largest health sciences libraries in the United States, with 6 floors and over 180,000 gross square and 118,000 net assignable square feet (NASF). Project: The initial discussions in late 2005 involved moving campus offices into the library. Almost immediately, it was recognized that a much larger renovation was needed due to the scope of the work. The vice president for academic affairs, the library executive director, and campus planners agreed that if the renovation was done thoughtfully, multiple needs could be met, including new office spaces, better user spaces, and synergy with the new campus center being built next door.