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dc.contributor.authorUnited States. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
dc.description.abstractThe primary purpose of this Toolkit is to educate a broad audience on overdose causes, risks, and signs, as well as the steps to take when witnessing and responding to an overdose. It provides clear, accessible information on opioid overdose reversal medications, such as naloxone. This Toolkit serves to complement, not replace, training on overdose prevention and response. It is also intended to augment the use of other overdose prevention tools for community engagement and planning, as well as enhance provider education across multiple practice areas. Overdose education and response tools have the greatest impact when focused on people who use drugs because they are most likely to witness and respond to an overdose. However, it is important to recognize that anyone could witness an overdose—whether on the street, at work, at home, in a clinical setting, or in a school. This Toolkit is therefore available for everyone to provide basic knowledge on how to recognize and respond to an overdose.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsINTRODUCTION Overdoses in the United States Toolkit Purposes and Audiences Overdose Basics: Opioids Overdose Basics: Stimulants and Other Drugs How Overdose Occurs Overdose Risk Considerations OVERDOSE PREVENTION Overdose Prevention and Harm Reduction Treatment as Prevention OPIOID OVERDOSE REVERSAL MEDICATIONS Role of Opioid Overdose Reversal Medications (OORM) OORMS Available to the Public OORM Q&A RESPONDING TO AN OVERDOSE Recognize the Signs of an Overdose Post-Overdose Treatment Considerations Dos and Don’ts When Responding To An Overdose APPENDIX 1: PEOPLE WHO USE DRUGS APPENDIX 2: PEOPLE WHO TAKE PRESCRIPTION OPIOIDS APPENDIX 3: PRACTITIONERS & HEALTH SYSTEMS Opioid Stewardship Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Legal And Liability Considerations APPENDIX 4: FIRST RESPONDERS APPENDIX 5: POLICY & SYSTEMS CONSIDERATIONS REFERENCESen_US
dc.titleSAMHSA Overdose Prevention and Response Toolkiten_US

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