Determining the Effectiveness of Demand Management Programs through Outcomes Measurement: NurseLine & EAPs
Presentation reviewing multiple strategies for conducting applied research to evaluate the effectiveness and cost savings for workplace health management programs for nurse advice and EAP counseling supports. Corporate research case study examples provided from Optum EAP customer studies.Table of Contents
Three approaches to try to control health care costs. Outcomes research types. Outcome measures. Research study design issues. Survey research. Examples of applied corporate customer research.Citation
Attridge, M. (1997, June). Determining the effectiveness of demand management programs through outcomes measurement: NurseLine & EAPs. Paper presented at the 4th Annual Preventive Healthcare Summit, Philadelphia, PA.Sponsors
Optum EAP - United Healthcare Corporation.Keyword
Workplace health support servicesPareto group
Administrative Claims, Healthcare
Health Care Costs
Employee assistance programs
United HealthCare Corporation
Risk assessment.