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dc.descriptionVol. I [II] No. 5 (March 1860) - Vol. I [II] No. 8 (December 1860). No. 5 Contents “On decimal weights and measures” by David Stewart; “Chimaphila Umbellata” by Samuel Fairbank; “New Remedy for Taenia”; “Arabian Manna”; “Fluid Extract of Pipsissiwa” by Samuel Fairbank; “Walz’s Analysis of Colocynth”; “Pierlot’s Valerianate of Ammonia”; “Lucifer Matches”; “On Monsel’s Persulphate of Iron” by George S. Dickby Jr.; “On Oxalate of Cerium” by Fred F. Mayer; “Butyric Acid” by David Stewart; “On the Herb and Oil of Cochlearia Officinalis” translated by Louis Dohme; “On Syrup of Squill Prepared with Diluted Alcohol” by J.S. Conrad; “On the Acrid Principle of Ranunculus Sceleratus” translated by Louis Dohme; “On Liquor Ferri Iodidi, and on a New Compound of Iodine and Sugar” by E. Fougera; “Pharmacopoeia Convention of 1860” by George B. Wood; Minutes of the Maryland College of Pharmacy December 1859 to March 1860; Varieties; Editorials No. 6 Contents “Fluid Extract of Polytrichum Juniperinum” by Gustavus Dohme; “An Improved Formula for Aromatic Syrup of Rhubarb” by William S. Thompson; “Saccharated Lime”; “New Process for the Preparation of Valerianate of Ammonia, in Dry Crystals” by Benjaman J. Crew; “Pills of Iodide of Iron” by William Procter Jr.; “Syrupus Ferri Phosphatis” by H. Schweitzer; “On the Syrup of Superphosphate of Iron, &c.” by Samuel Gale; “Pyrophosphate of Iron” by Robins; “On Valerianic Acid” by Louis Dohme; “On the Action of Ergot in Certain Affections of the Genital Apparatus” by M. Lebel; “Urate of Quinia” by Dr. Peraire; “On the Composition of Hydrargyrum cum Creta” by Redwood; “National Convention”; Minutes of the Maryland College of Pharmacy April 1860 to May 1860; “Scraps from ‘Cosmos’”; Varieties; “Antiquity of Crinoline – Its Incombustibility”; Editorials No. 7 Contents “Disinfectants” by Lewis H. Steiner; “On tincture of Arnica” by J. Jacob Smith; “Fuchsine – A New Carmine Red” by Ernest Guignet; “Oil of DryobalanopsC amphora” by M. Lallemand; “On Liquor Ferri Peracetatis” by William Procter; “Nitro-Benzine or Mirabane, Aniline and Aniline Violet” by Laurent and Castelhas; “Chlorodyne: Its History, Preparation, Properties, Therapeutic Effects, Doses, &c.”; “Organic Metallic Radicals” by Auguste Cahours; “Manganese Forms with Oxygen only one Acid – The Manganic Acid” by M.T.L. Phipson; “Action of Sugar on the Teeth” by M. Bouchardat; “Caffein as an Antidote to the Poisonous Effects of Opium”; “Modes of Recognizing Medicated Syrups” by P.H. Lepage; “Persulphate of Iron” by W. C. Chapman; “Preparations of Taraxacum” by Thomas B. Groves; “Remarks on the Preparations of Some Narcotic Extracts” by William S. Thompson; “On the Chemical Reactions of Strychnia” by H. Letheby; “Chalybeate Cod Liver Oil”; “On the Explosion of Hypophosphite of Soda” by M. Trommsdorff; Minutes of the Maryland College of Pharmacy June 1860 to July 1860; Varieties; Editorials No. 8 Contents “Fluid Extract of Carduus Benedictus” by Gustavus Dohme; “Axine – A New Fatty Substance of Vegetable Origin” by M. Hoppe; “The Chemistry of Pepsin” by Harry Napier Draper; “The Presence of Phosphorus in Vegetables” by M.B. Correnwinder; “Radix Taraxaci” by J. Schweitzer; “A Means of Estimating the Amount of Impurity in Pulvis Ferri, or Quevenne’s Iron” by Harry Napier Draper; “Coloration of Iron and Steel”; “Insecticide Powders”; “Lithium and its Salts”; “Chlorodyne – its Dangerous Properties and its Incompatibles” by F. Donaldson; “Tartro-Citric Lemonade” by J. Lawrence Smith; “Extractum Senegae Fluidum” by T. Edward Kirby; “Vegetable Coloring Substances” by Filhol; “Hypophosphite of Quinia” by J. Lawrence Smith; “The Musky Secretions of Animals and Especially of Insects” by Girard; “On the Depreciation of Smyrna Opium in Medicinal Value” by P. Wendover Bedford; “Baettger’s Method of Bleaching Sponge”; “Aniline in Certain Varieties of Mushrooms, (Boletus)” by T.L. Phipson; “On Carrageen” by Augustus P. Melzar; “A New Acid from Chelidonium” by M. Zwenger; “Determination of Eggs by Specific Gravity” by J. Labiche; “Hydrated Sesquioxide of Iron in Poisoning by Arsenic”; “On the Preparation and Characteristics of Aloin” by Edward Parrish; “What are the Claims of Guaiac to be Considered a Balsam” by William Procter Jr.; “Paraffin – its Substitution for wax in Cerates” by Charles T. Carney; “On Sulphate of Ammonia, as a Source of other Ammoniacal Salts” by Charles Bullock; Varieties; Editorialsen_US
dc.description.abstractThis publication is the newsletter and journal of the Maryland College of Pharmacy. The 1860 publication is listed as Volume I; however, there was an 1858 publication with the same title numbered as volume I so the 1860 editions are volume II.en_US
dc.publisherMaryland College of Pharmacyen_US
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal*
dc.subject.lcshMaryland College of Pharmacyen_US
dc.titleJournal and Transactions of the Maryland College of Pharmacy, 1860en_US

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PDF of March 1860 Transaction
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