Decreasing Wait Time to Chemotherapy Administration in Outpatient Infusion Clinic
Problem: Cancer treatment is often demanding and may last for months. Many patients receive treatment while working and living an active lifestyle, and there is a growing pressure on ambulatory clinics to deliver treatment timely and efficiently. An evidence audit in the outpatient infusion clinic of a large urban hospital identified the need to decrease waiting time to chemotherapy administration. Purpose: The purpose of this quality improvement initiative is to reduce adult cancer patients’ wait time to chemotherapy infusion by implementing a “call ahead” initiative to allow early preparation of chemotherapy in the outpatient infusion clinic. Methods: This project was conducted in a 35-chair outpatient infusion clinic of a large urban hospital. Patients who meet the following criteria were eligible for this program: adult patients with cancer diagnosis who were not requiring laboratories on the day of chemotherapy infusion appointment, cleared by their oncologists for chemotherapy infusion, and received selected chemotherapy agents. We introduced a new workflow where eligible patients were instructed to call the infusion clinic 30 to 60 minutes prior to their arrival to the clinic to confirm their appointment to allow for the pharmacy to begin making their chemotherapy agents earlier. Results: Preimplementation average wait time to chemotherapy administration was 58.04±2.68 minutes. After intervention, wait time to chemotherapy administration was decreased to 34.44±11.75 minutes (by 40.66%, p= 0.000185). Conclusions: Implementation of advanced preparation of chemotherapy using a “call ahead” initiative is an effective way to reduce wait time to chemotherapy administration in outpatient infusion clinic.Rights/Terms
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