A Nurse Anesthetist Association Policy Impact Analysis: Title Change and Legislation
Problem: A nurse anesthetist is defined as a registered nurse who has completed two or more years of additional specialized training and education and is certified to administer anesthetics. There is confusion to the role of nurse anesthetists. Following suit with the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiologist (AANA), who changed their name in 2020, the name change and adding nurse anesthesiologist as a descriptor for a Mid-Atlantic state nurse anesthetist association was the topic of interest. Purpose: The purpose of the nurse anesthesiology name change is to ensure public recognition of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) as Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, experts in the anesthesia specialty, and to end the misperception as nursing assistants or medical doctors. The impact analysis was intended to generate themes and recommendations that will be presented to the Mid-Atlantic state nurse anesthetist association regarding organizational name change from the legislative perspective. Methods: A strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) survey was utilized and disseminated among lobbyists in the Mid-Atlantic state during a 15- week implementation period. Introduction and background of the issue was presented to the stakeholders and the SWOT tools were sent electronically through a secure database, RedCap, or conducted as a virtual interview. Results: Three SWOT interviews have been completed. Conclusion: The name change will provide clarity to the nurse anesthetist profession. There will be a lot of dedication needed from members for grassroots lobbying along with strong support from the Mid-Atlantic state Board of Nursing. Retaliation from the anesthesiologist profession is something that needs to be anticipated.Rights/Terms
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American Association of Nurse AnesthesiologistsNurse Anesthetists
Policy Making
American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
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