Expanding Business Value Through EAP Partnerships: A Review of Research and Best Practices
Summary of a conceptual model for the business value of EAP partnerships and collaborations. The model, which has been developed by the authors over the past three years, identifies three primary areas of value associated with an EAP’s partnership activities: (1) Human capital management gains, (2) health benefits claims savings, and (3) organizational impacts. Human capital management gains are based on savings from avoided employee absenteeism, productivity, and turnover costs. Health benefits claims savings are derived from reductions in mental health and medical claims, short-term disability claims, and workers’ compensation costs. Organizational outcomes derive most of their value at the work group level and from savings associated with managerial consultation and risk management/prevention activities. The research and best practices associated with an EAP’s value within each of these three areas will be discussed for specific current and emerging partnership activities. Collaboration areas discussed will include: The role of EAPs in disease management; partnering between EAPs and health risk appraisal organizations; integration of EAPs and work/life programs; partnering between EAPs and disability management; and the role of EAPs in corporate health and productivity initiatives. This presentation builds on the authors’ recent work, which has focused largely on an EAP’s direct business-value impacts, by examining how an EAP can provide additional benefits for an organization by applying its unique set of core practices and areas of expertise to assist other workplace departments and HR initiatives. The presenters will argue that by expanding the vision of what an EAP has to offer through partnerships and collaborations, it can significantly enhance its business value to an organization.Table of Contents
1. Introduction to what drives the need to show value in the EAP field. 2. Overview of the EAP Business Value Model™ developed by the co-presenters. 3. Review of research on the three primary areas of EAP impact. 4. How core EAP services are related to specific outcomes. 5. How EAP partnerships and collaborations can yield added value. 6. Review of research and best practices for specific EAP partnering activities. 7. Question/answer period.Description
Conference presentation slides.Conference presentation abstract.
Amaral, T., & Attridge, M. (2005, May 7). Expanding business value through EAP partnerships: A review of research and best practices. Presented at the annual institute of the Employee Assistance Society of North America, Chicago, IL.Sponsors
EAP Technology Systems, Inc. Attridge Studios.Keyword
business case
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Health Care Costs
Employee assistance programs
Organizational behavior