Physicians are often portrayed as superheroes, those who sweep in to rescue the patient, who don’t have personal needs and a limitless amount of stamina to go above and beyond. Based on the high rates of physician burnout, it’s clear this archetype isn’t working, nor true. Unfortunately, there is a deep seated stigma in the healthcare industry for physicians to seek mental and well being help. In this article based on personal experience, Diane W. Shannon, MD, MPH, PCC sets the stage for why this strong stigma exists, its pervasive nature in healthcare culture and important strategies to help banish this stigma from existence.Citation
Shannon, D. (2022, September 7). Physicians and their Experience with the Stigma for Seeking Help. VitalWorkLifeSponsors
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health careMedicine
Stigma (Social psychology)
Help-seeking behavior
Mental health
Burn out (Psychology)
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