Effectiveness of Human and Machine-based Counseling: Opportunities for Employee Assistance Programmes
Attridge - 2022 SEP - EAPA-Sou ...
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This presentation offers key findings from research. Survey data from EAPs in the USA (N=351) in year 2021 and from South Africa (N=28) in year 2022 is compared in this presentation. Part 1 examines the effectiveness of human counseling conducted using technology access modalities. Part 2 examines the effectiveness of machine or robot counseling tools using technology. Part 3 discusses opportunities in embracing the role of technology in the future of EAPs. Traditional live counseling can benefit from the integration of machine-based tools for mental health risk screening and prevention. Also, as these techno-tools focus exclusively on the individual user, they completely ignore the workplace. Thus, EAPs should re-emphasize the unique role that they can play in supporting the workplace – beyond just supporting the worker.Table of Contents
1 - Introduction to Trends in EAP. 2 - Effectiveness of Therapy by Human Counselors. 3 - Effectiveness of Therapy by Machine Counselors (digital technology). 4 - Opportunities for the Future for EAPsDescription
Part of an ongoing applied research project by Attridge Consulting on how trends in technology during the pandemic are impacting service delivery and outcomes from EAP counseling. Strategic insights are presented for business growth opportunities for EAPs.Citation
Attridge, M. (2022, September 6). Effectiveness of Human and Machine-based Counseling: Opportunities for Employee Assistance Programmes. [Virtual conference presentation]. Employee Assistance Professionals Association South Africa Eduweek annual conference. Johannesburg, South Africa.Sponsors
Attridge Consulting, Inc.Keyword
EAPliterature review
Surveys and Questionnaires
Employee assistance programs
South Africa
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-
Mobile apps