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dc.contributor.authorBaltimore College of Dental Surgery
dc.descriptionDescription: Volume of alumni photographs from the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Photographs are pasted into the volume. Classes 1892 and 1893 have handwritten names underneath the photographs. Additionally, there are hand drawn images. Classes date from 1892 to 1900.en_US
dc.descriptionClass of 1892: B.D. Altemus; C.W. Arird; J.N. Baker; I.J. Beach; W.J. Beatty; C.A. Bland; C.W.. Boucher; H.V. Bradshaw; B. Bridgforth; B.B. Brumbaugh; J.C. Buchanan; W.C. Callahan; W.C. Carter; F.A. Charles; C.A. Cochel; R.S. Cole; Edwin Davis; W.C. Dawson; J.W. Derlin; J. S. Donaldson D.D.S.; J.R. Donaldson D.D.S.; H. Donnan; B.F. Dulaney; N.H. Ehle; M.L. Fay; H.R. Fonda; H.B. Ford; F.A. Ford (Secretary); A. Francis; I.A. Frazer; J.N. Giddens; R.L. Gill; W.I. Goodwin; H.W. Graham; A.C. Griffith; E. Grosheintz; C.N. Guyer; G.F. Hair; C.E. Hamilton; W.I. Hatch B.A.; J. Hidalgo; W.S. Holbrook; F.H. Jackman; A. Jekelfaulsy; G.M. Jones; E.P. Keerans (Vice President); C. Kenney; F.H. Kestler; E.T. Ketcham; H.W. Knauff; M.D. Kottraba; R.M. Krebs; J.E. La Force; E.T.H. Leonard; J.I. Logan; W.S. Long; W.L. Lowe; H.H. Maloney A.M.; E.W. Marven; J.W. Moore; S.B. Meyer; P. McCabe; C.C. McCloud; G.B. McFarland; W.H. McGraw; P.A. McLean; E. MacDougal; J.E. Parker; L.A. Pusey; E.K. Rainey; L.A. Reinhart; L.L. Ritter; R.I. Robertson; R.O. Sadler; P.E. Sasscer (Valedictorian); G.H. Sayre; A.S. Shackelford; Z.P. Shaw; J.H. Smith; W.H. Stokes; J.E. Storey; J.T. Stuart (President); F.W. Sweezy; W.A. Taylor; F.A. Taylor (Treasurer); C.H. Terry; W.P. Terry; A.G. Tillman; E. Vasquez; H.A. Truxillo; W.H. Walters; T.F. Warnes; J.D. Whiteman; E.L. Wilder; B.H. Williams; D.M. Wilson; C.H. Winburn; J.I. Woolverton; F.W. Wright; J.A. Yates; R.I. Youngs; R.L. Zelenkaen_US
dc.descriptionClass of 1893: W.H. Gregg; H.C. Griffith (Vice President); G.A. Hahn; R.E. Harbison; C.S. Hoose; C.G. Hamilton; A.C. Hayes; F.D. Joy; J. Krainik (Secretary); C.A. Krantz; M.S. Merchant (President); F.H. Mulholland; L. M. Parsons; E.S. Rinehart; A.W. Soule (Treasurer); F.Q. Shegogue; J.W. Thompson; R.F. Taylor (Valedictorian); B.F. Wendell; John Wooden_US
dc.description.abstractPhotograph Album of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery Alumni dated 1892-1900. The 1892 and 1893 class graduates have been identified. Album is available through the Internet Archive, see link.en_US
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal*
dc.subject.lcshBaltimore College of Dental Surgeryen_US
dc.subject.lcshPhotograph albumsen_US
dc.titleAlumni: Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 1892-1900en_US
dc.title.alternativePhotograph Album of Alumni of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 1892-1900en_US

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CC0 1.0 Universal
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