Historic Class Notes: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 35
S.J. Roberts, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Lecture Notes 1908-1912Handwritten class notes by S.J. Roberts, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, class of 1912. The volume was donated by Dr. C. Douglas Fogg in July 2023.
Washington University of Baltimore Class Notes of William B. Conway, Class of 1869, for 1867-1868 SessionHandwritten class notes by William Buchanan Conway, Washington University of Baltimore class of 1869. Class notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
Notes on Inorganic Chemistry by Louis BoucseinHandwritten inorganic chemistry notes written by Louis Boucsein. Notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
Lecture 33: Intermittent Fever by John C.S. MonkurHandwritten lecture notes on Intermittent Fever continuing lecture 31 on the same subject given by Dr. John C.S. Monkur, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Washington University of Baltimore Medical School. Volume is part of the Dr. Milford “Mickey” M. Foxwell, Jr.’s Collection of Lecture Notes. The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
Lecture 31: Intermittent Fever by John C.S. MonkurHandwritten lecture notes on Intermittent Fever given by Dr. John C.S. Monkur, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Washington University of Baltimore Medical School. Volume is part of the Dr. Milford “Mickey” M. Foxwell, Jr.’s Collection of Lecture Notes. The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
Lecture 5th: Continued Fever by John C.S. MonkurHandwritten lecture notes on Fever continuing another lecture given by Dr. John C.S. Monkur, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Washington University of Baltimore Medical School. Volume is part of the Dr. Milford “Mickey” M. Foxwell, Jr.’s Collection of Lecture Notes. The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
Lecture 22nd: Broussais Theory of Fever by John C.S. MonkurHandwritten lecture notes on Francois Joseph Victor Broussais' Thoery of Fever given by Dr. John C.S. Monkur, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Washington University of Baltimore Medical School. Volume is part of the Dr. Milford “Mickey” M. Foxwell, Jr.’s Collection of Lecture Notes. The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
Lecture 17th: Lecture on Prognosis Continued by John C.S. MonkurHandwritten lecture notes on prognosis by Dr. John C.S. Monkur, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Washington University of Baltimore Medical School. Volume is part of the Dr. Milford “Mickey” M. Foxwell, Jr.’s Collection of Lecture Notes. The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
History of Pathology, Present State of Medicine, Lectures 2 & 3, by John C.S. Monkur, 1845Handwritten lecture notes on the History of Pathology and the Present State of Medicine by Dr. John C.S. Monkur, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Washington University of Baltimore Medical School. Volume is part of the Dr. Milford “Mickey” M. Foxwell, Jr.’s Collection of Lecture Notes. The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
Lecture: Prognosis by John C.S. MonkurHandwritten lecture notes on Prognosis by Dr. John C.S. Monkur, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Washington University of Baltimore Medical School. Volume is part of the Dr. Milford “Mickey” M. Foxwell, Jr.’s Collection of Lecture Notes. The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
Lecture 38: Remitting Yellow Fever Continued Treatment, by John C.S. MonkurHandwritten lecture notes on Yellow Fever Treatment by Dr. John C.S. Monkur, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Washington University of Baltimore Medical School. Volume is part of the Dr. Milford “Mickey” M. Foxwell, Jr.’s Collection of Lecture Notes. The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
Lecture 37: Yellow Fever or Remitting Yellow Fever by John C.S. MonkurHandwritten lecture notes on Yellow Fever by Dr. John C.S. Monkur, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Washington University of Baltimore Medical School. Volume is part of the Dr. Milford “Mickey” M. Foxwell, Jr.’s Collection of Lecture Notes. The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
Lecture 36: Yellow or Malignant Remitting Fever by John C.S. MonkurHandwritten lecture notes on Yellow Fever by Dr. John C.S. Monkur, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Washington University of Baltimore Medical School. Volume is part of the Dr. Milford “Mickey” M. Foxwell, Jr.’s Collection of Lecture Notes. The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
Lecture 39: Choleric Fever, Sporadic Cholera or Cholera Morbus by John C.S. MonkurHandwritten lecture notes on Cholera by Dr. John C.S. Monkur, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Washington University of Baltimore Medical School. Volume is part of the Dr. Milford “Mickey” M. Foxwell, Jr.’s Collection of Lecture Notes. The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
Introductory to Hospital Clinique LecturesHandwritten lecture notes on Hospital Clinique [Clinic] by Dr. John C.S. Monkur, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Washington University of Baltimore Medical School. Volume is part of the Dr. Milford “Mickey” M. Foxwell, Jr.’s Collection of Lecture Notes. The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
EnteritisHandwritten lecture notes on Enteritis by Dr. John C.S. Monkur, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Washington University of Baltimore Medical School. Volume is part of the Dr. Milford “Mickey” M. Foxwell, Jr.’s Collection of Lecture Notes. The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
Gastritis Acute & ChronicHandwritten lecture notes on Gastritis by Dr. John C.S. Monkur, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Washington University of Baltimore Medical School. Volume is part of the Dr. Milford “Mickey” M. Foxwell, Jr.’s Collection of Lecture Notes. The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
Dysentery by John C.S. MonkurHandwritten lecture notes on Dysentery by Dr. John C.S. Monkur, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Washington University of Baltimore Medical School. Volume is part of the Dr. Milford “Mickey” M. Foxwell, Jr.’s Collection of Lecture Notes. The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
Diseases of Nutrition and Evacuation, Diarrhea by John C.S. Monkur, 1830sHandwritten lecture notes on Diarrhea by Dr. John C.S. Monkur, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Washington University of Baltimore Medical School. Volume is part of the Dr. Milford “Mickey” M. Foxwell, Jr.’s Collection of Lecture Notes. The notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.
F.G. Anderson Class NotesHandwritten class notes by F.G. Anderson, College of Physicians and Surgeons Class of 1889. Class notes are available in the Internet Archive, see link.