Crawford Historical Books
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In the earliest years of the University of Maryland, School of Medicine, there was no library available to the students. Dr. John Crawford, Professor of Natural History, had assembled his own private library, a collection of medical texts reputed to have been unparalleled in Baltimore. Following his death in 1813, his colleagues on the Faculty pooled their resources to purchase the library from his daughter. Thus the Crawford Collection constitutes the origins of the Health Sciences and Human Services Library. Through the generous support of the Medical Alumni Association of the University of Maryland, we successfully have digitized major portions of the Crawford Collection. These items now are available here in the Archive.
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Annals of medicine. Vol. 1Edinburgh : Printed for G. Mudie & Son, & for G. G. & J. Robinson, London, 1796
Miscellanea curiosa medico-physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum, sive, Ephemeridum medico-physicarum Germanicarum curiosarum. Vol. 2Jenae: Sumptibus E. Fellgibeli, typis S. Krebsil, 1671