Other Titles
Univ. of Maryland Theses 1886 (on spine)Table of Contents
This volume contains the following manuscripts described as either an Inaugural Dissertation or an Inaugural Essay presented to the University of Maryland for the Degree of "Doctor of Medicine" or "Doctor of Physic" : Pneumonia (no title page) / by Robinson, L.B. ; Aqua (Water) / by Lucas, Charles C. ; Digestion / by Scott, J. Sloane ; Masturbation / by Corbell, E.F. ; Carcinoma (Cancer) / by Scott, Edward A. ; Rheumatism / by Burchinal, Lowery N. ; Inflammation / by Capehart, B. Ashbourne ; Pneumonia (no title page) / by Glassell, Robert T. ; Disinfectants and Disinfection / by Hays, T. Heyward ; Arsenic / by McLaughlin, John M. ; Intermittent Fever / by Anderson, Robert John ; Puerperal Fever / by Downs, Edward L. ; Why? / by West, Levin ; Arsenic (no title page) / by Sease, John M. ; Asiatic Cholera (no title page) / by Suter, W. Norwood ; Gonorrhoea / by Triana, Adolpho M. ; Development of the Embryo (no title page) / by Kibler, James M. ; Typhoid Fever / by Houseal, W. GustaveDescription
Dissertations (M.D.), University of Maryland (1812-1920), School of Medicine.Noteworthy calligraphy on title page: Triana, A. No title page: Glassell, R., Sease, J., Suter, W., Kibler, J., Robinson, L. ; Faded ink: Robinson, L., Scott, E., Anderson, R.; Text in inner margin lost during binding process: Lucas, C.