Other Titles
Univ. of Maryland Theses 1862Table of Contents
This volume contains the following manuscripts described as either an Inaugural Dissertation or an Inaugural Essay presented to the University of Maryland for the Degree of "Doctor of Medicine" or "Doctor of Physic" : Oblique or Indirect, Ventro or Direct, Concealed Inguinal, and Femoral and Umbilical Hernia / by Pierce, H. Lindsley ; Pneumonia / by Price, Richard Elbridge ; Menstruation / by Payne, Q.T. ; Dysentery / by Ridgely, Nicolas G. ; Pneumonia / by Robinson, John B. ; Typhoid Fever / by Rowe, Walter B. ; Dyspepsia / by Shure, Charles A. ; Labor / by Simpson, Edward B. ; Typhoid Fever / by Smith, Francis James ; Infantile Laryngo-tracheitis / by Stevenson, John M. ; Anatomy and Physiology of the Heart / by Trautmann, C. Theodore ; Clinical Report of Cases / by Trippe, Edward R. ; Injuries of the Head / by Trumbo, George Harrison ; Enteric Fever / by Vallandigham, Irving S. ; Chorea / by Vannort, Ezra Adams ; Diabetes Mellitus / by Wells, Charles A. ; Dysentery / by Wheeler, William B. ; Diphtheria / by Whitridge, William ; Water / by Yingling, George S. ; Rheumatism / by Zeigler, Asa HamiltonDescription
Dissertations (M.D.), University of Maryland (1812-1920), School of Medicine.Illustrations: E. Vannort; noteworthy calligraphy: C. Wells.