Other Titles
Univ. of Maryland Theses 1852Table of Contents
This volume contains the following manuscripts described as either an Inaugural Dissertation or an Inaugural Essay presented to the University of Maryland for the Degree of "Doctor of Medicine" or "Doctor of Physic" : Intermittent Fever / by Moores, Samuel Lee, Jr. (p. 1-8) ; Bilious Remittent Fever / by McCleary, John (p. 24-35) ; Intermittent Fever / by Moores, Samuel Lee, Jr. (p. 9-36) ; Bilious Remittent Fever / by McCleary, John (Title page, p. 1-11) ; Remittent Fever / by Mumford, D.E. ; Prolapsus Uteri / by Minor, John H. ; Delerium Suppression Potus / by Marshall, Edward W. ; Diversity of Facial Expression / by Linthicum, A.S. ; Etiology / by Thomas, William Montgomery ; A Clinical Report of Six Cases of Disease / by Smoot, Andrew Jackson ; Asthma / by Willis, William L. ; Scarlatina / by Rider, Thomas William Perry ; Iteus / by Borgman, Charles John ; Six Cases of Disease / by Claytor, William Q. ; A Clinical Report of Cases / by Carr, R. Wilson ; Diagnosis and Treatment of Fractures / by Crook, James ; Physical Examination of the Heart / by Ghiselin, James T. ; The Circulation of the Blood / by Emory, Augustine Walsh ; Dysentery / by Goldsborough, Henry T. ; Ausculation of the Lungs / by Beard, John Wesley ; Inflammation / by Benson, George Washington ; Clinical Report of Six Cases / by Dent, Walter B. ; Inflammation / by Nowland, Edward F. ; General Anatomy / by Dickson, John ; Cynanche Trachealis / by Griffith, Edward J.Description
University of Maryland (1812-1920), School of MedicineFaded ink: J. McCleary, C. Borgman; Partially faded ink: G. Benson