Bulletin of the University of Maryland School of Medicine 2004-2007
(v. 89, no. 1 (summer 2004)-v. 91, no. 4 (spring 2007)); Volume 90 no. 1 includes the announcement of the award of $3.5 from the Gates foundation to the Maryland Center for Vaccine Development to vaccinate African children. Volume 90 no. 2 includes announcement of region's first Center for Vascular and Inflammatory Diseases. Additionally, Dr. Angela Brodie is featured as the first woman to receive the Charles F. Kettering Prize. Volume 90 no. 3 includes announcement of opening of UMB BioPark, and an editorial on the last 15 years of Dr. Donald Wilson as Dean of the University. Volume 91 no. 2 includes editorial about new Dean E. Albert Reece, and announcement that the Center for Vaccine Development has received $27 from the Gates Foundation. Volume 91 no. 3 includes editorial on celebrating 200 years with photographs. Volume 91 no. 4 includes announcement of the Surgical Simulation and Technology Center.Keyword
University of Maryland School of Medicine--PublicationsUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore. School of Medicine