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dc.description(v. 80, no. 1 (summer 1995)-v. 82, no. 4 (spring 1998)); Volume 80, no. 2 includes article "UMMC and BC/BS form cardiac care agreement," the first of its kind in the U.S. Volume 80, no. 3 includes article with photographs of the opening of the new Health Sciences facility. Volume 81, no. 2 includes announcement of the Medical System-School of Medicine web site and an online version of the Bulletin, also includes editorial on Stewart and Marlene Greenebaum who donated $10 million (largest gift ever made to a hospital or school) to the Medical Center. Volume 81, no. 3 includes editorial on Davidge Hall with historic sketches and photographs. Volume 82, no. 2 includes announcement of Davidge Hall as a National Historic Landmark, and an editorial about several historic University of Maryland buildings. Also includes editorial on the history of the Medical Alumni Association. Volume 82, no. 4 includes announcement of the first person in Maryland to receive a vagus nerve stimulator, as well as an editorial about doctors Andrew Tucker, Leigh Curl, and Thomas Terrell as athletes and team physicians for the Baltimore Ravens.en_US
dc.subjectUniversity of Maryland School of Medicine--Publicationsen_US
dc.subject.lcshUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore. School of Medicine
dc.titleBulletin of the University of Maryland School of Medicine 1995-1998en_US
dc.description.urinameFull Text

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