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Laryngeal Mask Airway Cuff Pressure Manometry to Reduce Postoperative Sore Throat
Problem: Anesthesia providers in the selected organization found that postoperative sore throat was a common patient complaint after the use of a laryngeal mask airway during general anesthesia and estimated its incidence to be approximately 40%. Purpose: The purpose of this evidence-based quality improvement project was to implement manometer use by anesthesia providers on patients undergoing general anesthesia with a laryngeal mask airway and evaluate its effectiveness in reducing the incidence of postoperative sore throat. Methods: Anesthesia providers were educated to manometer use as well as the impact of cuff overinflation on the incidence of postoperative sore throat. Manometers were placed in both anesthesia workrooms for ease of access. Anesthesia providers using a laryngeal mask airway for general anesthesia were encouraged to obtain a manometer to measure and limit cuff pressures to 60 cmH2O after insertion. Following cuff pressure measurements, providers documented values on the data collection tool and exchanged it with the recovery room nurse during post-anesthesia handoff. Recovery room nurses followed up with patients about the presence of postoperative sore throat prior to discharge, recorded “yes” or “no” on the data collection tool, and placed it in the anesthesia box on the main desk for collection. Results: Amongst the cuff pressures that were measured with a manometer, 100% of cuff pressures were adjusted to the recommended range of < 60 cmH2O, as evidenced by documentation on the data collection tool. Among the data collected, the average percentage of patients who denied postoperative sore throat after manometer use was 80.6%. Conclusions: When a manometer was used to measure and limit laryngeal mask airway cuff pressures to 60 cmH2O or less, a large percentage of patients denied postoperative sore throat upon hospital discharge. This suggests that the use of a manometer intraoperatively helped reduce the incidence of postoperative sore throat.Keyword
laryngeal mask airway cuffmanometer
pressure monitoring
Laryngeal Masks--adverse effects
Pharyngitis--prevention & control