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Research On Return-On-Investment: Which Models of EAP Are Generating the Most Significant ROI?
Table of Contents
Introduction. Part 1: Eight Steps of an ROI Analysis. Step 1: Select an EAP Client Sample. Step 2: Collect Workplace Outcomes. Step 3: Derive Comparison Data. Step 4: Formulate a Cost-Savings Equation. Steps 5 & 6: Measure the EAP’s Impact and Calculate Cost-Savings. Steps 7 & 8: Determine EAP Costs and Calculate ROI. Part 2: Literature Review. Sample “Classic” ROI Studies. What Do “Classic” ROI Studies Tell Us?. Health and Productivity Management and Self-Report Measures. Health and Productivity Questionnaire (HPQ). A Single Item Productivity Measure for Use by EAPs. Productivity Improvement Found for Many EAP Services and Cases. National Normative Data for Work Productivity Outcomes. Example of Self-Reported Productivity ROI Calculation. Examples of EAP Studies on Productivity-Based ROI. Conclusion. Resources. References (32).Description
Research brief report (7-pages) and slides (30) from live audio presentation.Citation
Amaral, T., & Attridge, M. (2010, March). Research on return-on-investment: Which models of EAP are generating the most significant ROI? EAP Advanced Training Institute’s Research Brief: Part 3 of 4. Yreka, CA: EAP Technology Systems.Series/Report No.
EAP Advanced Training Institute’s Research Brief Series;3Sponsors
EAP Technology Systems.Keyword
EAPliterature review
healthcare costs
behavioral health risk management
return on investment
applied research methodology
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Rate of return
Employee assistance programs
Absenteeism (Labor)
Substance abuse