1920 SOP Post_2020.pdf
PDF of School of Pharmacy 1920 Post
When the 1920 merger between the University of Maryland (Baltimore) and the Maryland State Agricultural School (College Park) occured the Department of Pharmacy became the School of Pharmacy. The academic year 1920-21 was a year of growth and advancement for the new school. This post describes the School of Pharmacy's student and faculty body, the cost of attendance, as well as matriculation requirements.Description
Content written for the HS/HSL News, a blog for the Health Sciences and Human Services Library at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB).Series/Report No.
1920: A Look Back 100 Years AgoRights/Terms
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalKeyword
1920University of Maryland merger
Kelly, Edward F.
Cole, B. Olive
University of Maryland, Baltimore
University of Maryland, Baltimore. School of Pharmacy
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