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dc.contributor.authorCunningham-Hill, M
dc.contributor.authorDodge-Rice, Z
dc.contributor.authorWilson-Myers, C
dc.contributor.authorSherman, C
dc.contributor.authorNeary, Martha
dc.contributor.authorSchueller, Stephen M.
dc.identifier.citationCunningham-Hill, M., Dodge-Rice, Z., Wilson-Myers, C., Sherman, C., Neary, M., Schueller, S.M. (2020). Digital Tools and Solutions for Mental Health: An Employer's Guide. Northeast Business Group on Health and One Mind PsyberGuide.en_US
dc.description.abstractFrom the Report's Executive Summary: "The global burden of mental health conditions, both in terms of human suffering and economic loss, is catastrophic and rapidly growing. Worldwide, mental health conditions affect more than a third of the world’s population with two — depression and anxiety — alone resulting in an estimated $1 trillion in lost economic productivity. A significant factor in why the personal, social and economic impact is so enormous is the challenge of accessing care for those who need it. Barriers to access include stigma, cost and lack of in-network providers due to systemic disparities. For employers, the impact of mental health conditions on their organizations is substantial and ripples beyond the cost of care to include lost productivity, absenteeism and presenteeism. As is the case with chronic diseases, mental health conditions are treatable, and employers can use comprehensive strategies to cultivate supportive work environments and provide access to a wide range of mental health resources. Employers have a unique opportunity to improve the mental health of the 158 million working U.S. adults who spend more time engaged in work than in any other activity apart from sleeping. This guide focuses on how digital technologies have the potential to revolutionize mental health treatment. The growing number of digital interventions available offer promising ways to tailor programs for different types of employees that are scalable at a relatively more affordable price per employee than many other types of interventions."en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNortheast Business Group on Health, One Mind Psyberguide, Bowman Family Foundation, Aetna, Johnson & Johnsonen_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsTable of Contents Executive Summary ... 5 ; Introduction: Mental Health Conditions are Common and Not Adequately Treated ...6 ; Table 1: 12-Month Prevalence of Common Mental Illnesses ... 7 ; Table 2: Deaths, Prevalence and Trends in Mental Health Disorders in the United States ... 8 ; Barriers Exist to Getting Care for Mental Health Conditions ...9 ; Access–Including Cost–Is a Big Obstacle ...9 ; Stigma Is Still an Issue ...10 ; Employers Have an Important Role in Mental Health ...11 ; Table 3: Estimated Annual Cost of Mental Health Disorders ...12 ; The Business Case for Mental Health Investment by Employers ...12 ; Table 4: Cost Effectiveness of Mental Health Treatment?...13 ; Digital Mental Health Intervention...14 ; The Promise of Digital Mental Health Technologies...14 ; Advantages and Challenges with Digital Mental Health Solutions ....15 ; Advantages ...15 ; Challenges...16 ; Selecting the Right Digital Mental Health Solution ...17 ; The Digital Tools Chart* ...19 ; Definitions ...19 ; Methodology...22 ; Considerations for Achieving Success ...28 ; Where Does a Digital Mental Health Solution Fit? Integration with Existing Benefits and Programs... 28 ; Questions to Consider... 29 ; Usability and Utility–Different but Equally Important ...29 ; Building Your Business Case ...30 ; Communication and Engagement: Always! ...31 ; Case Studies ... 32 ; Telehealth ... 32 ; Coaching for Stress and Other Conditions... 33 ; Building Resilience... 34 ; The Sleep Factor and Mental Health... 35 ; Consumer Facing Digital Solutions ... 36 ; The Future of Digital Mental Health... 37 ; Additional Resources ...38 * Use the included chart for an at-a-glance comparison of the tools reviewed in this guide.en_US
dc.publisherNortheast Business Group on Health and One Mind PsyberGuideen_US
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universalen_US
dc.subjectdigital toolsen_US
dc.subjectemployer guideen_US
dc.subjectdigital mental health technologiesen_US
dc.subject.lcshEmployee assistance programsen_US
dc.subject.lcshWork environmenten_US
dc.subject.meshMental Healthen_US
dc.titleDigital Tools and Solutions for Mental Health: An Employer's Guideen_US

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