History of the Woman's Auxiliary Board of University Hospital, The Synapse 1963
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Published in The Synapse, a publication described as "Serving the Hospital Community." Includes photograph and caption of officers of the Woman's Auxiliary for 1963-1964. The article claims that "the Woman's Auxiliary Board of University Hospital, Maryland is the oldest organized auxiliary in the state, and as far as can be discovered, is the oldest organized auxiliary in the U.S." It goes on to summarize the history of the Woman's Auxiliary and then to mention their fundraising efforts in favor of the University Hospital.
The photograph caption reads: "Newly Elected Officers of the Woman's Auxiliary Board, University Hospital. Reading left to right: Mrs. E. Cotter, President; Mrs. A Mansberger, 1st Vice-Pres.; Mrs. J. Workman, 2nd Vice-Pres.; Mrs. H. MacHamer, Ass't. Treasurer; Mrs. K. Waller, Executive Committee; Mrs. G. Anderson, Executive Committee; Mrs. W. Council, Executive Committee; Mrs. T. Adams, Executive Committee; Mrs. J. Merlis, Recording Sec'y; Mrs. R. Coblentz, Executive Committee, Absent; Mrs. L. Scherlis, Treasurer, Absent; Mrs. E. Axon, Corresponding Sec'y., Absent.
The photograph caption reads: "Newly Elected Officers of the Woman's Auxiliary Board, University Hospital. Reading left to right: Mrs. E. Cotter, President; Mrs. A Mansberger, 1st Vice-Pres.; Mrs. J. Workman, 2nd Vice-Pres.; Mrs. H. MacHamer, Ass't. Treasurer; Mrs. K. Waller, Executive Committee; Mrs. G. Anderson, Executive Committee; Mrs. W. Council, Executive Committee; Mrs. T. Adams, Executive Committee; Mrs. J. Merlis, Recording Sec'y; Mrs. R. Coblentz, Executive Committee, Absent; Mrs. L. Scherlis, Treasurer, Absent; Mrs. E. Axon, Corresponding Sec'y., Absent.