
Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, Dental School, University of Maryland Theses 1954 (Part 3)

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This volume contains the following manuscripts described as Senior Thesis presented to the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery for the Degree of “Doctor of Dental Surgery”: Silicate cement as a restorative material / by Leach, Edmond R., II ; Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity / by Litton, R.B. and Turlington, E.G. ; Immediate full denture prosthesis / by McDowell, Charles S. ; The hydrocolloid impressions technic in operative dentistry / by McGill Ira L., Jr. ; Immediate dentures / by McNamara, Robert V. ; A study of hypoplasias / by Maldonado, Louisa M. ; A proposed system for the training of dental educators / by Maxwell, Edwin L. ; Oral leukoplakia / by Meyers, Michael C. ; Orthodontics for the adult / by Minnick, G. Richard ; Oral manifestations of blood dyscrasias / by Mojzer, Richard A. ; Surgical correction of mandibular prognathism / by Nichols, Wharton A., Jr. ; Subacute bacterial endocarditis and its relation to dentistry / by Paden, Lawrence W. ; The present status of ceramics in restorative dentistry / by Perrelli, Albert R. and Reynolds, Jack K. ; The application of impression materials to full dentures impression technics / by Pettine, Paul A., Jr. ; The control of pain in operative dental procedures / by Pier, Orris Robert ; Lesions of the vestibule of the mouth / by Rivas, L. Paul ; Roentgenographic study of the relative susceptibility of pulpless and vital teeth to dental caries / by Ross, Norton and Rosoff, John ; Traumatic occlusion and its implications in periodontal disease / by Rubenstein, Maurice.
Dissertations (D.D.S.), Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 1954.
This record describes the content of 1954 part 3 of 4 (L-R).
Available in print only in closed stacks at the Health Sciences and Human Services Library.
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