Do DEIB Initiatives Affect Student Success and Belonging?
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In 2020 university campuses around the country reckoned with their need to create campus climates that addressed and supported the various identities that were a part of their campus community. Due to the uprisings sparked by an unprecedented pandemic and high-profile racially motivated killings that occurred that year, students began assessing their campuses from a different lens. This lens was colored by how higher education institutions across the country dealt with diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) initiatives on their campus. While DEIB initiatives look different on each campus there remains a salient reason for these initiatives, to create spaces where students can learn without worrying about how their identity could hinder them. Using the Campus Racial Climate framework this project aims to make the connection between student success, defined as retention and graduation, and student’s feelings of belonging, to make a case for continued DEIB initiatives in higher education even as they continue to come under fire.